A round-up of recent happenings in the world of PR, marketing, and other
things I find interesting.
Quite a slow week for me blogging, because it was a busy week for everything else. Let's see if I can't do better this week. In the meantime, here's The Spin Cycle:
Infographics are your friend: Why don't PR people embrace infographics more readily, or am I only speaking for myself? Perhaps because many of us started out as writers and are overconfident in our ability to tell stories with words. But we are often surrounded by talented graphic artists. Think outside the paragraph, people.
Google + a minus? Bashing Google + is nearly as trendy as bashing the Facebook IPO, but what struck me about this post was how many Google + users never make a second post. How about Facebook and Twitter? How many dip their toes in the water and then decide not to go for a swim? I'm also perplexed by Google's refusal to share number it claims demonstrate a high degree of engagement among users. Transparency, transparency, transparency.
Goldman Sachs discovers Twitter: Speaking of transparency, Goldman Sachs is giving it a shot in the interest of repairing its battered image. Remember, guys, it's not pulling back the curtain that matters. It's what people see as the curtain falls away that matters. You don't communicate out of a problem you behaved your way into.
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